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Metrus has revolutionized the way that energy, water and operational efficiencies are delivered to

customers. Our efficiency as a service structure integrates the technical and financial services required

to make your efficiency projects a triple bottom line success. Metrus pays for all upfront project

costs and is paid only when your project achieves actual savings.




  • Identify efficiency upgrade

  • Design project scope

  • Structure financing solution

  • Fund 100% of project costs

  • Own project assets   

  • Monetize available incentives

  • Measure performance & savings

  • Cover ongoing maintenance costs

  • Identify new savings opportunities


Metrus finances efficiency projects in all key sectors of the economy in the United States and international markets:

Higher Education



Healthcare Systems
& Hospitals


Aerospace & Defense


Industrial &


Efficiency Upgrades

Metrus projects use a combination of efficiency measures and technologies that generate the maximum electric, thermal and water savings as well as operational and environmental co-benefits.

  • Heating, ventilation & air
    conditioning (HVAC) systems


  • High-efficiency lighting

  • Energy management systems

  • Building automation systems

  • Equipment & process controls

  • Water Efficiency (low flow
    fixtures and gray water)


  • Motors & pumps

  • Refrigeration systems

  • Boilers & furnaces

  • Onsite cogeneration systems

Benefits of the Metrus ESA

The Metrus Efficiency Services Agreement (ESA) provides a true pay-for-performance solution that's off balance sheet and includes the opportunity to add services and new efficiency measures as they emerge over time.  

*Notes: (1) ESA payments are based solely on realized savings, (2) Some leases can include ongoing services, (3) Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), (4) ESA cost of capital reflects approximate underlying rate (equity and debt combined). For cash, cost of capital would equal a customer’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC)  

E Upgrades
Benefts ESA

Metrus Energy, Inc 2020

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