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Women Leading the Charge in Clean Energy: Q&A with Caroline Trowbridge

Caroline Trowbridge joined Metrus as a Project Manager in 2018. She’s responsible for managing the development, closing, and construction of Metrus’ energy efficiency assets. Last month, Caroline was named to the Board of Women in Cleantech and Sustainability (WCS). We recently caught up with Caroline to discuss her new Board position and the role WCS plays in the clean energy sector.

How did you get introduced to Women in Cleantech and Sustainability? What about WCS appealed to you?

My introduction came through Metrus, which is a corporate partner of WCS. Over the past two years I’ve attended several events, most recently as a mentee, and met so many smart and interesting people that I decided that I wanted to contribute to the organization in a more meaningful way. It’s been inspiring meeting and working with so many women who are making an impact in the cleantech sphere.

What should people know about the mission of this organization?

WCS provides a platform for women to find comradery in a male-dominated industry. But it’s important to note that the community is not only for women. Everyone is welcome to celebrate the contributions made by women in our field, whether it’s through the speaking engagements, mentoring and organizing opportunities that are created in the WCS community.

What are some of the important initiatives and goals of the organization – and how do these things tie into what Metrus does?

By connecting and impowering professionals across the cleantech and sustainability industry, WCS is focused on catalyzing the transition into clean energy. Metrus shares this forward-thinking approach to making global change. The opportunity for energy efficiency and renewable conversion is there for the taking and both WCS and Metrus are encouraging wide-spread adoption.

What kind of things are WCS doing around the current Covid-19 crisis? How has it changed how it conducts its business?

WCS has traditionally been a California-based organization, but since sheltering-in-place has become the norm our community has gone virtual and lost the need for geographic-centric membership and activities. This has widened our network to include women from all over the country who couldn’t participate before. Though the lost face-time is felt, the smooth adaptation to virtual events like happy hours, webinars, and workshops has kept members informed with applicable content such as how to network virtually, update your resume, and analyze climate change in light of a global pandemic.

To learn more about Women in Cleantech and Sustainability, click here:

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